Add to your Scope instead of Your Worries
Adding to scope can really stretch your time and money.Rizing's AddOn Package means you can breathe easier.It’s simple. We do all the Training Package research. We develop the Training and Assessment Strategy for your own business. And we give you advice on compliant training and assessment tools that your trainers will actually want to use.New courses. New qualifications. With Rizing’s expert and experienced team, you won’t risk non-compliance and being rejected by ASQA. We know how to write the TAS for each Training Product you wish to add that meet both the compliance and the industry sector requirements.Imagine: you get to focus on your business.
Add to your Scope instead of Your WorriesRizing pays attention to all the details so you can add training products to your RTO.And it’s not just helping you complete your application.It’s also teaching you how to stay compliant once you’ve successfully made the addition.
✓ Research on your Training Product Requirements
✓ Facilitating your Industry Consultation – collecting the right evidence for your product through an industry survey, with the help of our especially designed survey template
✓ Guidance on your Delivery and Assessment Plan
✓ Help with Licensing Requirements
✓ Spotlight on the Training and Assessment Tools you will need – which textbooks? Which organisations have the right assessment tools that help you stay compliant? We show you.
✓ Review of your current Trainers/Assessors to make sure that will meet the requirements of Standards
✓ Help developing your Staff Matrix – using our template, you will be sure to have the right staff for the right task
✓ CRICOS timetable – if you are adding the Training Product to your CRICOS registration, we have the experience and systems to give you the reminders at the right time. Our template makes it easier for you to meet ASQA’s requirements
✓ Let us deal with your online ASQAnet submission. Don’t sweat! We know when you’re ready to send
✓ Help developing your Staff Matrix – using our template, you will be sure to have the right staff for the right task
✓ CRICOS timetable – if you are adding the Training Product to your CRICOS registration, we have the experience and systems to give you the reminders at the right time. Our template makes it easier for you to meet ASQA’s requirements
✓ Let us deal with your online ASQAnet submission. Don’t sweat! We know when you’re ready to send